About this Package

This is a work in progress as of 7/2015.

The ACSdownload package for R has functions helping to download and parse raw data files from the United States Census Bureau dataset called the American Community Survey (ACS) 5-year summary file. In particular, this package allows you to obtain all of the block group and tract-level data for any or all US States/DC/PR, rather than one State or one County at a time, for specified variables in specified tables. In contrast, other tools such as the acs package or the American Fact Finder, tend to provide more limited subsets such as one US County at a time, when working with block group or tract resolution tables.

Key functions include get.acs() to download and parse specified data, and various helper functions.

Help documentation as pdf

Installation and Related Packages

This and related packages, once each is made available as a public repository on GitHub, until available on cran, can be installed using the devtools package:

if (!require('devtools')) install.packages('devtools')
devtools::install_github(c("ejanalysis/proxistat", "ejanalysis/ejanalysis"))