Look in specified path to find any downloaded and unzipped csv and txt files from NHGIS.ORG, with American Community Survey (ACS) data from the US Census Bureau.
nhgisfind(folder = getwd(), silent = FALSE)
A named list with datafiles= a vector of one or more filenames (estimates and also MOE files) and codebooks= a vector of one or more filenames. The function also prints the information unless silent=TRUE.
This is designed to get a list of filenames that match the format of csv and txt files
obtained from NHGIS.org and already unzipped in a local folder.
Obtaining NHGIS.org data requires an account at
https://data2.nhgis.org/main, https://www.nhgis.org
Data can be downloaded by selecting, for example,
block groups, all in US, acs2007-2011, and specifying the desired ACS Table(s).
Research using NHGIS data should cite it as:
Minnesota Population Center. National Historical Geographic Information System: Version 2.0. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota 2011.