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This package is just a set of helper functions used by the EJAM package.

It creates block datasets (and some blockgroup tables) for use in the EJAM package. It has basic functions for downloading from FTP, unzipping, reading the 2020 Census data for some or all US States into data.table format.

It can retain a few key variables like

  • lat and lon of block internal point

  • FIPS codes

  • population count or weight

  • area (or effective radius)

For more information see

Key functions and data.tables created include

Key data.table objects created:

  • blockid2fips - data.table with FIPS code to blockid lookup
  • blockpoints - data.table with latitude and longitude of internal points
  • quaddata - data.table with xyz format locations of blocks, used to create spatial index of blocks in the EJAM package.
  • blockwts - data.table with Census 2020 population-based weight as fraction of parent block group population, and size of block