About this Package

Tools that simplify some basic tasks in using R for exploring and analyzing a dataset in a matrix or data.frame. Key functions help to change many fieldnames to new names using a map of old to new names, create many calculated fields based on formulas specified or saved as text fields (character vector), see how many rows or cols have values above certain cutoffs, get rowMaxs, colMaxs, wtd.rowMeans, wtd.colMeans, see a table of values at 100 weighted percentiles, see how many values are NA or non-NA in each column, etc.

Help documentation as pdf

Installation and Related Packages

This and related packages, once each is made available as a public repository on GitHub, until available on cran, can be installed using the devtools package:

if (!require('devtools')) install.packages('devtools')
devtools::install_github(c("ejanalysis/proxistat", "ejanalysis/ejanalysis"))